Saturday, December 03, 2005

Freaky but true...

I got this from Kelscraggly's website and it was pretty accurate!

Your Personality Profile
You are dependable, popular, and observant.Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.
You are unique, creative, and expressive.You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!
The World's Shortest Personality Test

Kickin Arse...

It snowed today in Iowa. Not shocking.
Mr. Chep suggested we not go anywhere because of the amount of snow that was to fall all day.
When I get bored - I clean. So I cleaned my fridge (finally) and behind the fridge and behind the is the end result. It looks like I need to go to the store.

You notice I am not showing the freezer. I did not tackle that.

I was too worried about the dust bunnies behind the fridge and the nasties behind the stove.

Mr. Chep said he needs to lock me up in the house more often. He said that as he was cleaning the top of the fridge. Then he dusted the family room. He's a good helper. I am thankful for that.

Hopefully you all had a more exciting day than I did!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Segue's Spank-a-thon

Happy Birthday Segue!!

Writermom challenged us to post some "spanks" for Segue. So here are a few of my contributions.
Love the Bush/Bart spanking!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Self Portait Tuesday (Taken on Thursday edited on Tuesday)

Mr. Chep left this evening for a conference in Madison, WI. He will be there until Friday.
Having him gone makes me feel a little like a half a bottle of beer.
Glad you have it but wish you had a little more to enjoy!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Mr. Chep - Perpetual Winner

This is Pit.

It is not a game for the timid. It is a game that defines our family. If you can hang in the game of Pit - then you will fit in with our crew just fine.

No Pit doesn't still look like this - but this is the game my parents have. Circa 1973. Retro. Beat-up from heated battles. This game rocks.

Not familiar with the game? Here's a quick summary.

Basically it's a LOUD card game. There are 7 different commodity cards (Corn, Flax, get the idea). ANYWAY - the goal of the game is to trade with other players until you have all 9 cards of the same commodity. You try to yell over other players to get people to trade with you. It's nuts. It's a blast.

Mr. Chep has never played this game. He comes from a very conservative family. They don't yell. Hell they don't even speak loudly at one another. Don't get me wrong - my in-laws are wonderful people. They just aren't - well - my family. Mr. Chep is a lot like his parents. My mother says he didn't speak 5 words the first 3 years they knew him (this was before we were dating/engaged/married but that is a story for another time).

Mr. Chep is reserved - for the most part - BUT - he is competitive. He wins at EVERYTHING. On our first date we played pool at the Purdue student union. He let me win. I could tell by the look on his face. It pained him. I told him never to let me win again. He hasn't.

He is good at everything he picks up. It makes me ill. Here's a perfect example.

My mom picked up this bow hunting game you see Mr. Chep playing at a resale shop - (because she needs more crap)...guess that's not the point. dad has had it for awhile. It didn't come with any directions (not that it would have made a difference) and the only thing my dad has figured out how to do is shoot at a stationary target at the range. In comes Mr. Chep. After 15 minutes Mr. Chep had already mastered the first 3 rounds of the game. Grrr. It took me all weekend to get to round 3.

On to the Pit game. My parents have been playing this game (drunk at parties) longer than I have been alive. Needless to say my sister and I and our spouses thought for sure we would be in for a loosing battle. Mr. Chep won the first round. I took the next 4 rounds. (By this time my neighbors - IN IOWA - could hear my father yelling "SHIT SHIT SHIT" at the end of each round). People were plotting against me. Much to their surprise - Mr. Chep ended up pulling ahead and sneaking in yet another win.

I found out later that Mr. Chep not only won the game but did it while watching CSI. How do I know this? When we came home and watched the recorded show - he told me what happened before the show started! ARGH!

One day I will find a game that I can win while playing him. I have one in mind - I just have to get him to play it with me.....any ideas???

Sunday, November 27, 2005

My E-bay Inheritence...

I have promised you photos of my mother's disease.

I know it isn't nice to tease people about their flaws.

This is my karma for doing so.

What is this you ask? Not sure what part of my pajama pants - but it's a photo of my pants after I fell down the stairs taking a picture of my mother's clutter. Oh yeah and I was drunk when I did it....told ya - good times over T-day.

Sorry mom - I made a promise - so here is a sample of the packratism at Chep's Parent's house.

My mother had a thing for tins. You know those collectable types. I am unsure of how it started - but it ended with a revamp of the dining room and the tins had to have a new home.

Dad Chep is a handy man. He put up some shelves in the basement to accomodate the collection. He did a nice job getting them all in there. That I will admit.

This room - has 3 TVs. One (in the center of the photo) which is set up for operation.

There are 2 on the shelving unit in the 2nd photo that are b/w and 13" or smaller. One is crossing guard orange. I thought about asking for it. I decided that I didn't have a use for it and decided against it. Not to mention Mr. Chep would have kicked my ass for bringing more stuff back to our little place. OK not literally - but he wouldn't be pleased. That's for sure.

Can you find the TV's?

I will post the answers in a future post.

I will admit that some of the clutter was caused by the sofa bed being pulled out. But not all.

Oh yeah and what was the photo that caused the drunken fall (where I think I bruised my rib)?

This one:

I do have more photos - but I think I should clear posting them with my mother. She has threatened bodily harm for sharing pictures of her garage - but it is so much better than before - maybe she will let me.

Let's hope.

Let's put it this way - she wasn't impressed with Fineartist's garage if that gives you any idea of it's condition.

Oh and by the way - fine work on kicking the garage's axe FineArtist!

Hometown madness

Congratulations to Lowell Red Devil Football!

I never thought it would happen.

Lowell High School Red Devils have won the 4A state championship!

When I attended LHS the football team won a total of 8 games. Nope - that's 8 games in 4 years. We went to the game to watch the marching band.

This is Lowell's first state championship - ever.

The Red Devils were unranked and beat the Roncalli Rebels and broke their 23 game post season winning streak.